Our community includes over 70 faculty members from many academic departments who deepen our understanding of the brain and the rest of the nervous system through neurotechnology innovation and original research. Explore the research interests of Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute faculty below, and click on their name for more information.

Image from Theresa Puthussery's lab showing an immunostained macaque retina featured on the April 4, 2018 cover of the Journal of Neuroscience.
Name | Job title | Department | Role | Research interests | |
David Feinberg | Acting Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
MRI technology development, mapping columnar and visual circuitry, modeling neurovascular coupling. |
david.feinberg@berkeley.edu |
Friedrich Sommer | Adjunct | HWNI | Faculty |
Theoretical principles of learning and perception |
fsommer@berkeley.edu |
Kristofer Bouchard | Adjunct Assistant Professor | HWNI | Faculty |
Functional organization and dynamic coordination of sensorimotor networks underlying learned, skilled behaviors. |
kebouchard@berkeley.edu |
Sonia Bishop | Adjunct Associate Professor | HWNI | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Neural basis of attention, emotion and anxiety. Individual differences in cognitive control and emotional responsivity. |
sbishop@berkeley.edu |
Corey Goodman | Adjunct Professor | HWNI | Faculty |
Translation of biomedical discoveries into therapeutics for human health. |
Scott Baraban | Adjunct Professor | HWNI | Faculty |
Translational epilepsy research with a focus on interneurons, genetic forms of epilepsy, zebrafish and drug discovery. |
scott.baraban@ucsf.edu |
Samantha Lewis | Assistant Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Mitochondrial biogenesis, mitochondrial genome inheritance, organelle assembly, DNA replication, cell metabolism, interactions between membrane-bound organelles. |
samlewis@berkeley.edu |
Emily Cooper | Assistant Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Computational modeling of visual perception. |
emilycooper@berkeley.edu |
Yvette Fisher | Assistant Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Flexibility of neural circuits for spatial navigation. |
yfisher@berkeley.edu |
Andrea Gomez | Assistant Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Instructive cues for neural form and function. |
gomez@berkeley.edu |
Karthik Shekhar | Assistant Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Faculty |
Single-cell genomics and statistical inference. |
kshekhar@berkeley.edu |
Meng-meng Fu | Assistant Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Our lab goal is to understand glial function at the animal, cell, and molecular level in order to elucidate mechanisms of normal development and disease progression. |
mengmengfu@berkeley.edu |
Preeya Khanna | Assistant Professor | Neuroscience, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences | Faculty |
Neural basis of dexterous motor skills, neurotechnology for restoring and rehabilitating movement. |
pkhanna@berkeley.edu |
Jacob Yates | Assistant Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty |
How populations of neurons in cortex encode the visual world, using statistical and machine learning models to understand neural activity and human perception, how information generated by eye movements is utilized by cortical circuits. |
yates@berkeley.edu |
Michael Yartsev | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Bioengineering | Faculty |
Neural basis of complex spatial and acoustic behaviors. |
myartsev@berkeley.edu |
Amitai Shenhav | Associate Professor | Psychology | Faculty |
Neuroscience of motivation, decision-making, and cognitive control. |
amitai@berkeley.edu |
Ke Xu | Associate Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Faculty |
Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to interrogate cellular processes at the nanoscale. |
xuk@berkeley.edu |
Stephen Brohawn | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Molecular basis of sensory transduction and electrical signaling, especially mechanosensation. |
brohawn@berkeley.edu |
Anne Collins | Associate Professor | Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Computational modeling of human learning, decision-making and executive functions. |
annecollins@berkeley.edu |
Evan Miller | Associate Professor | Chemistry, Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Development and application of molecular tools for studying neuroscience. |
evanwmiller@berkeley.edu |
Teresa Puthussery | Associate Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty |
Processing of visual signals in the healthy and diseased retina. |
tpu@berkeley.edu |
Kevin Weiner | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Models to explain how brain structure and function contribute to measurable behaviors (e.g. face perception) |
kweiner@berkeley.edu |
Hillel Adesnik | Associate Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Plasticity, connectivity, and dynamics of neural networks |
hadesnik@berkeley.edu |
Helen Bateup | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Molecular basis of synapse and circuit changes associated with epilepsy and autism. |
bateup@berkeley.edu |
Annaliese Beery | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Integrative Biology | Faculty |
Mechanisms supporting affiliative social behavior between peers; neuroendocrinology of complex behavior. |
abeery@berkeley.edu |
Stephan Lammel | Associate Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Midbrain dopamine circuits in reward-based behaviors and pathological changes in addiction, depression and schizophrenia. |
lammel@berkeley.edu |
Markita Landry | Associate Professor | Neuroscience, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Faculty |
Exploiting nanomaterials to probe and characterize complex biological systems at the nano-scale; nanosensors for brain chemistry. |
landry@berkeley.edu |
Chunlei Liu | Associate Professor, Co-director of the Brain Imaging Center (BIC) | HWNI, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences | BIC Co-director, Faculty |
MRI technology development for the study of neural circuits and modulation. |
chunlei.liu@eecs.berkeley.edu |
Mark D’Esposito | Distinguished Professor | HWNI, Psychology | Faculty |
Neural basis of high-level cognitive processes such as working memory and executive control. |
despo@berkeley.edu |
Richard Ivry | Distinguished Professor | Neuroscience, Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Cognition and action, with an emphasis on how people select actions, learn skills, and produce coordinated movements. |
ivry@berkeley.edu |
Hedy Kober | Professor | Psychology | Faculty |
Craving, regulation of craving, substance use disorders, treatments for substance use and eating disorders, neural and psychological mechanisms of treatment, emotion regulation, mindfulness, meditation. |
hedy@berkeley.edu |
Linda Wilbrecht | Professor | Neuroscience, Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Experience dependent plasticity and the development of circuits involved in value based decision making. |
wilbrecht@berkeley.edu |
Silvia Bunge | Professor | HWNI, Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Neural mechanisms, development and plasticity of higher cognitive functions in humans. |
sbunge@berkeley.edu |
Lexin Li | Professor | School of Public Health | Faculty |
Statistical neuroimaging analysis, brain connectivity analysis, imaging causal inference, multimodal and longitudinal imaging analysis, and imaging tensor regression. |
lexinli@berkeley.edu |
Ellen Lumpkin | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Understanding force transduction mechanisms that initiate the senses of touch and pain. |
lumpkin@berkeley.edu |
Michael DeWeese | Professor | Neuroscience, Physics | Faculty |
Neural mechanisms underlying auditory processing and selective attention in the cerebral cortex and artificial neural networks. |
deweese@berkeley.edu |
Andrew Dillin | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Genetic and molecular mechanisms regulating aging and aging-related disease. |
dillin@berkeley.edu |
James Olzmann | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology, Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology | Faculty |
Cellular lipid homeostasis, oxidative lipid damage and cell death, neurodegeneration. |
olzmann@berkeley.edu |
Marla Feller | Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Functional development and organization of neural circuits in the retina. |
mfeller@berkeley.edu |
Michael Rapé | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Molecular mechanisms of cell fate decisions in development and disease. |
mrape@berkeley.edu |
John Flannery | Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty |
Gene therapies for inherited retinal degenerations. |
flannery@berkeley.edu |
Austin Roorda | Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty |
Development of adaptive optics to track, measure, and correct the eye's imperfections. |
aroorda@berkeley.edu |
David Foster | Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Encoding of spatial memory and navigation toward rewards by neural ensembles in the hippocampus. |
davidfoster@berkeley.edu |
Mark Tanouye | Professor | Environmental Science, Policy & Management | Faculty |
Novel genetic approaches to study the causes of epilepsy and other nervous system disorders. |
tanouye@berkeley.edu |
David Schaffer | Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Faculty |
Engineering stem cell and gene therapeutics. |
schaffer@berkeley.edu |
Lin He | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Cilia biology, choroid plexus function in cerebrospinal fluid production. |
lhe@berkeley.edu |
Matthew Walker | Professor | Psychology | Faculty |
The impact of sleep on human health and disease |
mpwalker@berkeley.edu |
Ming Hsu | Professor | Haas School of Business | Faculty |
Neural basis of economic and consumer decision-making. |
mhsu@haas.berkeley.edu |
James Hurley | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Structural and biophysical basis of endomembrane mechanisms that contribute to neurodegenerative diseases. |
jimhurley@berkeley.edu |
David Whitney | Professor | Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Visual perception and attention. |
dwhitney@berkeley.edu |
Randy Schekman | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Membrane assembly, vesicular transport, and membrane fusion among organelles of the secretory pathway. |
schekman@berkeley.edu |
William Jagust | Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Anatomic, biochemical, and neurochemical bases of brain aging and dementia. |
jagust@berkeley.edu |
Na Ji | Professor | Neuroscience, Physics | Faculty |
Novel imaging methods to understand the brain. |
jina@berkeley.edu |
Lance Kriegsfeld | Professor | Neuroscience, Psychology | Faculty, Resilience |
Brain and endocrine regulation of circadian rhythms |
Kriegsfeld@berkeley.edu |
Rowland Taylor | Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty |
Structure and function of neural circuits in the retina |
Stanley Klein | Professor | Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Psychophysical investigation of of visual processing and the role of perceptual learning, attention and binocular interactions. |
sklein@berkeley.edu |
Richard Kramer | Professor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Novel chemical reagents for non-invasive optical sensing and manipulation of ion channels and synapses. |
rhkramer@berkeley.edu |
Diana Bautista | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
Molecular mechanisms underlying the sensations of itch, touch and pain. |
dbautista@berkeley.edu |
Noah Whiteman | Professor | Integrative Biology, Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty |
The role of dietary toxins in shaping the evolution of the nervous system and implications for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders |
whiteman@berkeley.edu |
Eric Betzig | Professor | Molecular & Cell Biology, Physics | Faculty |
Development of new tools for imaging and image analysis to enable biological discovery |
ebcal@berkeley.edu |
Gül Dölen | Professor | Neuroscience, Psychology | Faculty |
Psychedelics; Critical Periods; Octopus; Social Behaviors; Evolution; Synaptic Plasticity; Extracellular Matrix; Oxytocin, Stroke; Fragile X; Autism; PTSD; Addiction |
Bob Knight | Professor of the Graduate School | Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Neural coding underlying goal-directed behavior and development of brain-machine interfaces for motor and language prostheses. |
rtknight@berkeley.edu |
Daniela Kaufer | Professor, Co-director of the Berkeley Neuro AI Center for the Study of Resilience | Neuroscience, Integrative Biology | Faculty, ICBS Members, Resilience |
Molecular mechanisms of brain plasticity in response to stress and neurological insults. |
danielak@berkeley.edu |
Jack Gallant | Professor, Co-director of the Brain Imaging Center (BIC) | Neuroscience | BIC Co-director, Faculty, ICBS Members, Resilience |
Identifying cortical maps to discover how the brain represents information about the world and its own mental states. |
gallant@berkeley.edu |
Steven Piantadosi | Professor, Co-director of the Institute of Cognitive and Brain Science (ICBS) | Psychology | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Understanding what computational processes support language acquisition, math learning, and general cognition. |
stp@berkeley.edu |
Daniel Feldman | Professor, Coates Family Endowed Chair in Neuroscience | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Sensory processing and plasticity in the somatosensory cortex. |
dfeldman@berkeley.edu |
Michael Silver | Professor, Director of the Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics (BCSP) | Neuroscience, Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Neurophysiological and neurochemical substrates of human visual perception, attention, and learning. |
masilver@berkeley.edu |
Frédéric Theunissen | Professor, Director of the Neuroscience PhD Program | Neuroscience | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Perception of complex sounds. |
theunissen@berkeley.edu |
Bruno Olshausen | Professor, Director of the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience (RCTN) | Neuroscience, Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science | Faculty, ICBS Members |
Computational models of sensory coding and visual perception. |
baolshausen@berkeley.edu |
Joni Wallis | Professor, Equity Advisor | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Neuronal mechanisms underlying high-level cognitive and behavioral processes |
wallis@berkeley.edu |
Ehud Isacoff | Professor, Evan Rauch Chair in Neuroscience, Director of HWNI, Co-Director of The Weill Neurohub | Neuroscience, Molecular & Cell Biology | Faculty, Resilience |
Mechanisms of ion channel function, synapse development, plasticity and neural circuit function. |
ehud@berkeley.edu |
Doris Tsao | Professor, Nan Fung Life Sciences Faculty Scholar | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Understanding how the brain builds a model of the visual world |
dortsao@berkeley.edu |
Yang Dan | Professor, Pivotal Life Sciences Chancellor's Chair in Neuroscience | Neuroscience | Faculty |
Neural circuits controlling sleep and mechanisms of executive control. |
ydan@berkeley.edu |